Monday, October 31, 2011

When Days Make: The Paper And Paper Arts!: Chromosones = Chromosones.

Pieces here and pieces there.

Plans in any mind.
Drugs of any kind they
Lived in a tunnel for over 2000 years.there.
Gather and gather.
Triaps on up!
Gather gather.

Gather amongst ghosts!
Gather alive.
Gather when.


One sees the conflict. This minute. Like a barbell to the head.
He didn't last. It was last night. Suddenly.

Over in a minute.
Over in a moon.
Draw the curtains and fetch the gloves.
-Ghost Crawler.

In societies. The conflict with ghosts continues. Another and another.
Draw cards.
Draw many.

The many who see tapes or vids. Decide to leave society. Live in a tunnel.
Live in a suburb.
Tapes of society. Tapes of violence. Tapes of regenerates.

Tapes and tapes.
Tapes a psy watcher can know.

Whereever and what galaxie at that.

See the roam.
See the life.
See the movie.
See the set.

Basking on a drink in a while you and others read. I don't freak out. I didn't leave society.
I didn't leave all linear or sense.

Believe in all other structures. One might here from these vids. The criminal in disguise says.
He may have worked anywhere. Even a video store.
Here take it says he.

Vids and vids. There are people out there who are on the ridge. They have heard of these tapes. They didn't however follow others who are missing or gone.
Living somewhere.
Living and reading their kinds of reads.

Don't be in my bank account if you end up there is what i say.
And certainly not my friends.

There was a horror movie on today. It a lot of ways it mirrored what actually is and there is new light on the subject.

They have the halloween figure in their world. He isn't a ghost. He kills or mutilates.
Warring factions fight. Dramas. 

The people who actually fall for part of this very big societies plans don't read  your thoughts right now. You are here and they are there. Lost. Lost in courts too. A different kind. However makeshift. They file and file.

People wonder did I actually know these people in a past life?
The reality has to exist.
I am sure.

What kind of drugs and what kind of alters? 
All kinds.
A storie in many lives as I know many out there who read can associate. They had a relative who dissappeared. 
One by one things seem to add up but not quite. Something awry. Only slightly.

Then you realize too many people are covering something up.
> I have to insert for planets like earth that i am not involved with gov progs where psychic people called remote views exists.
This is a whole different world. Evil exists. Good people aren't aware.
All wrapped in one. There are all kinds of psychic people in the worlds. They are not remote viewers. They like myself do not bother in joining a program called so. 
Other planets and galaxies have had the talk.

Years go by and you end up here. All these events that i hint at. The past. Others out there who read and talk know what they were doing a couple of lifetimes ago.

I can't read books anymore!"
I can't watch television anymore!"
Thats what some one said who left all sense behind. Some one who reads and many who do know just who they were. Before they left.

By chance some one drives to a remote town distant. By chance some one sees just who they don't see anymore.
The word gets back.
I know your story.

What is what.
What is choice?
What is lightening up?
Relationship broke up then realize.
Lost job then realize.
Found map then.
Found video of mask then.
Found speaker then.
Sometimes. Not much.
It's not easy to explain.
You wouldn't understand.

It happens. Give yourself a brake. 

You sit there reading and wondering how did I know this person in another life.

It happens.

Can't be in my bank account still.

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