Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Mansion And Key Fix: It's A Duty Or: Find These Items:

God in his hour.

God laughs but laughs for just reason.

No, i'm still not him!
For instance.

I've never been him.

God laughs and it because all kinds of situations for instance persplex my imagination!

You mean i have to stand outside and get my body tattoed and egged for demaning a person in public!?
That is what is inside the criminal.
This is happening.
Earth 10 and all kinds of planets right now!

For people on this planet. Angels do exists and always did!
I hear your thanks!
I respond.
I know the burden got lifted!

All shifting sand and deserts and all mighty!
The pyramid still stands and can't be destroyed.

So is the sphyinx.
On this planet earth.
Other planets have the same!

When a criminal can't like ice cream anymore because he can't stand my ideas then it's still a win!

When he can't ever reincarnate and this is the last one and he knows it but won't say.
It's quite an easier moment!

For instance.
I don't actually use this but all kinds of other people do. Good and bad. They can't tell or. You get it.
If you were in some crime filled gov office then you'd hear or read a pamphlet called"for instance."

Repeatedly you'd hear "for instance" it was Jesus Hararh who named Earth 10 and simply not just earth!

This is of course or for the matter to all see that Jesus Hararh did not name that planet!

This is more than galaxie with the same storie. Don't get lost out there as i thought you wouldn't who know that story and imagined what and when.

My songs appear on Led Zeppelin records today on this planet too!

I don't appolgize for it.

I don't sanction any burning of their records on other planets and i definitely know what that is about!

As he turned away and realized my song was still on the radio he felt nothing! Nothing but pain!
He couldn't view or imagine!
He couldn't rewrite!
He couldn't redata!
He couldn't fix!

As my song came on radio again. He knew he was in trouble!
Like a character in a horror movie that came and took. It came for him again and again!

2000 thousand years. All he or other might be obsessed with. The religion and the bible and 2000 years.
It's all supposed to be shown and over by now!
The various characters taking their place and all is.
All is aligned!
All is powerful!
I drank oil from the desert!
I gained their bank accounts and used my political influence to take over the lands.
I organized all kinds of studies.

It's 2011 here.
Where is the secret code now!?
Where is he and when is he!?
Is he in space!?
Doesn't he have gold and gold pockets!?

2011 and where is his crown!?
Where is the next meeting on earth.
This planet!
It's happening!
I've gained a few of my bank accounts back since the last meeting.

It's been 2011 before.
I'm talking about some time when i can't actually type here and remain still without laughing.

2011 the band and the era!
2011 the bunch of criminals they were!

What planet do you live on now tough man!?

What files and how many did you defame in public!?

How many curse-ed deserts did you create!?

This fire won't burn(bunsen burner).

Where are you now!?

In days of old and legends of old and all times teaching you said.
All the days in the desert seeing and visioning.
All the things you said.

The tear in your eye as they sent you away!

Where is he now!?

Where is you God called "Godz"?

Where is he now!?

Where is his grail or sheath!?

Where is he now and all these times spent!?

2011 and who is next!?
Who is the next prophecy!?

All mighty!?
All curses up in air from this place!?
All mighty!?

Where is all mighty!? Tough man!?

I have to use this word device too.
All mighty!

Where is the heavens and heavens above!?

All mighty and curses abroad!?
Don't sue me for writing that!
It's just art.

All mighty and thirst from all sequence. All mighty and in line with all stars. All mighty take this joke and make if flow!

Through the dozens of dramas or so. May the true leaf shine amongst you.

You know one day a friend ate too many sweets. I bought the box of them. I also had a bunch of roses that day in the kitchen.

Lifetimes later my friend kept the box that the sweets in and completely made a spectacle.
Jokes of course.

And when the all mighty sparks high to reign doom. On all and across all deserts and seas and through and through. 
Might i find that text never in hands of many. 
What phrases haven't been used in all galaxies. Depends on the day and the office.

I as well as any other comic refuse and refused this hi jacking of phrases against humor.

When the shepherd went through the desert he left his ear. He leant his heart and his life and got lost.
Degrees and bank accounts later he can't remember that he actually type those codes in these computers lifetimes ago.
You see it's a simple life and he doesn't own a computer.
He said nothing and the marauder from the desert took him away and put him in a box. Breaking his bones everywhere and contorting him to fit. Small degrees and un angular being. He is no longer healthy.

Out of nowhere the angel came and took him away. Out of nowhere the shepherd was suprised.
No drink, no water.
No led zep.
Depends on the planet.
Some heard that music.
The village came out!
They saw him. Carted away.
Along with his brother and other cousins.
Lost and lost again.
This pain.
This great sadness.
Sadness for here.
Sadness everywhere.
Smiles even when.
Smiles from others just like him.

The moon struck the desert. It's light shined. Shined high. Shined anyway.


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