Friday, October 28, 2011

The Prophecy and the Times: III into III:

Corridors are many.
Neighborhoods are many.
Stories are many.

Real and unreal.
Unreal because of how they are.
The stories and affect and the effects left behind.

I saw on the the halloween movies where some one else breaks him out jail.
The sign on the wrist.
The cult or prophecy that exists.
It's on other planets too.
There all bad with their lingo and motivs.
They are whereever they are.

Their homes.
Their security.
Their bank accounts.
Their cars.
Their phones.
Their clothes.

When is the next meeting!?
Come hither says one.
It's the ghost.
It's reappeared.
Better not to say.
I thought they killed that.
They didn't.
Now I owe.
How much.

The tuxedo ghost which is not his name. Is more than one. It always upsets the platter.
He's back and still here before you read it unless you know of this sort of thing.
Tuxedo all dirty. He convinced all too many to leave the area. All at once.

If you look into his eyes. He see none.
Like empty spaces that some one cut out with unbelievable darkness.
They look like cathedral windows.
As he talks people shrivel up.
He leaves no air.
He says great things.
He remembers all.
Especially when he brings it up.
The criminals make themselves known.
They threw that cup of ice or brick from the passing car.
They threw it at the wrong ghost.

All of a sudden he is there.
Some times he runs.
Some times he doesn't.
Some times he around places that don't need to be.

Some times he has a pipe. It smokes and he holds it. His whole suit smokes and smolders.
He takes off his hat and talks to no one there.
People have heard him.
On tape.
These are real.
Not an imitation.
Farther and farther some one gets after talking to him.
Lost and lost.
"why did you throw the brick,"? the ghost said.
"why kill what is already dead,"?

Muttled speeches come from criminals.
Muted phrases and short speech.
Bleeding and blood.
Possess me none the ghost says!
Stand guard!
More stab wounds!
The ghost reaches in and pulls out anything it can.
Hand reaches right thru!
Hand with glove takes the life rite out!
Mangle to mangle to mangle.
The ghost takes more than possible.
It's him that many cannot stand.
In any galaxy.

Is there any book?
Is there any cause?
Is a ghost a ghost?

Did I see all those ghosts at the hotel?
I did!
More than once.
They speak.
So i don't complain and nor do my friends.
In some of the most haunted places not seen on television.
It's okay they may say. The ghosts.
They appear.
They walk.
They spill the beans.
They threaten.
They walk around and around.
They make big talks.

The scene didn't fit some one said to some one else.
It was better they left.
They were in trouble.
They could have been.
It was better they left.

They heard of ghosts but see them that day. They sped off cause one of them got freak out.
They thought and probably heard a ghost. Though not possible.
The mind is linear and that is the way it is for some or many on this planet.

On any kind of day after that and that nite in particular all kinds of things happened.
Legend after legend.
Who has the time to convince?
Who will believe if no one else does?

You see it always has been.
If you haven't.
Others don't have to say.
They can predict your behaviour.
That is why they stay silent.
It isn't weird.
It isn't odd.
It may not fit with the rest of visible society but one always has the choice.
You read.
You imagine.
You feel I could be real.
I can imagine the situations you might thought without stating them.
I am sure in stating.
Far too many.

Where and when.
Where is the plot?
I don't have an office.
I don't have a company phone.
However the case.
However the studie.

However I may laugh at a box of twinkies that some one in crime can't possess.
He said that once.
You can't possess my twinkies.
As he laid some punk up against the wall.
About to be beaten.
Friday the 13th.
I've seen the movies.

I know of the ghost that crime imitates.
He wears a hockey mask.
The movie here makes him out as crime would have him.
A person who never dies.
Just a person and not a ghost.

He wears a mask.
He's been not to far from my house too.
Out in the street.
Out in the field.

He is more than one.
He appears from the ground up. He walks around and all of a sudden he is somewhere else.
He carriers a sickle or a hockey stick or a knive.
He a gun once and threw it down and committed violence.
He hurt so many that so many cannot forgive anything he has done.
He hurt their assassins. 
He smashed their cars.
He pretended to be an imitation.
Criminals fired upon him.
He hacked them up and made a mess of them.

Life after he is still here.
He is there on that planet.
He is on this planet.
He takes his time.
Says all kinds of things through his mask.
Starts whining and takes off his mask.
And gets real mad.

All those trips out to wherever it was he ended up. These people out there who are reading who fell into that categorie know I know of many situations just like that.
What happened after you left is what happened and it got real violent.
The screams in the forest.
The many screams in the forest.
The ghost hunting down those who are bad by their own claim.

The ghost hunting down all those who pollute those lands they were seen on. Or said to have been seen on.
Some one always drops a word.
It has always been.
It will never stop.
Even when no one says.
I'll drop a word.
I'm not afraid to say.
After all they can't have all the twinkies in the world.
Grab at no boxes numbskulls.

Some idiot drove all across the countrie from north carolina to oregon. This idiot is criminal.
He was going to see where the mask 13th ghost(name for the moment) was. With a box of twinkies in hand. 
He went there to make fun of it all and get his credits.
He sharpley avoided the other neighborhood.

What happened to him was real and just!

I don't care how many children he planned to kill. I don't care for his plans and his army and his connections.

He went to the mountains north in oregon.
The north region and only 20 mile north of that to the left.

I don't care for his racist attitude toward other people and genders.

It's all easy to hear some one like this critizing others out loud sometimes.
Told to leave the store.
All bad with his guns and and at the store.
I don't care.
I bet you don't already.
He's already crippled!
For real and going nowhere fast.

A wheel chair cannot hold. Nor anything else.
All for him and all to him.
Where he is.
What has been done to him.
All that has arrived at his bedside.
Gettin up there is he?

He met another ghost instead.
Felt nothing anymore.
After all he wished for finally met him.
Two and three and then four.
Wrecking and wrecking.
It's all a mess.
He's not normal.

Sitting by his beside.
He wishes to die.
He can't sit by his bedside.
He's all a mess.
No one to care for.
No one cares.
All this and now.
What all has done to him.
What continues now.

The days pass.
The days draw to a close.

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