Friday, October 28, 2011

A Prophecy And A Dial: Ditto Ditto:

Darkness has it's own speak.
When your there.
In the tunnels.
It captures the imagination.
It captures the reality.
That causes and erupts.
It contains.
It feeds off itself and destroys itself.
It calls.
It calls to meet.
It fails none today.
To do this.

Darkness has many faces.
Many knives.
Many modes of killing and torture.
Darkness breathes none.
The ghost said once.
I don't breath anymore.
I'm dead.

The ghost spoke with a horror so great that one could not look at was him.
He felt no longer.
Yet he had many things to say.
All these years and all the death.
Around him.
He wanders the tunnels.
He hates and then can't.
He cries.
He falls to his knees.
He does dances.
He puts on a mask.
He puts on his gloves.
He puts on anything he can.
He walks thru walls.

One ghost here that almost and anyone in crime is afraid of. Is so scary and it real.
No gun or tote bag can stop.
No dress or fake posturing either.
They shouldn't have teased his name.
In those places all that time ago.
He didn't forget.
He didn't stop searching.

He wears a white tuxedo.
Sometimes in the night it's all dirty.
He'll appologize and says he's sorry.

You'll see his eyes and see there is none.

You'll see a horror that you cannot stand no matter what drugs some one else is on!
Point proven.

He wears a hat.
Last nite he was a tunnel.
I know because my friend told me the truth.

He walked down a tunnel and made no noise.
Silently hovering.
No words.
Crept in the night.

Walking thru walls.
Walking and shivering.

I've heard him before. If you don't believe I can't believe you.

Sometimes he floats and then you see him right there in front of you.
Tunnels and tunnels.
It's not always that he appears here.
He takes his time seriously if possible.
I've heard his voice on tape.
The tapes left back when everyone started to run and dropped everything.

Last nite he was crying in the tunnels.

On the west coast.
Above California.
So that would be in Oregon.

He cried and some one heard him.
A long ways away.
But still they heard him.
They know he won't stop.
Stop moving around and crying everywhere.
He has nothing left.
He has already died.
He can't come back.
He is angry and now it's no use.

Depending on the day he is polite and speaks very well. 
I've been to some of the places in common that he has.
Depends on the lifetime.
There are many.
I don't challenge him.

He said once that wanted ice cream.
I heard him and I knew he was going back to Maine.
I've been to the place where he was spotted numerous times.
It just happened to be the case.
Like some of my cohorts it happens.

Tonite in oregon some ones nose bleed because of him.
Crying and crying.
And moving silently.
Creeping various out.

There all kinds of places where ghosts exists. Outside my house I knew one floating.
She has been legendary at the turn of century. 
Back then all kinds of people did not expect or necessarily like her presence or sight!
I gather all those illegal drugs they were transporting did them too well.

In cities where you don't live for some. On other planets. Many by billions gather and read this. I think of one planet in particular but i know there are many.
Ghosts are real. Always have been. 
These people don't sue famous people because ghosts exists.

Ghostville is what this place is sometimes called. I was there a couple of lifetimes ago. I was there before this lifetime.
This big city has a very easily ghosts sense or how one might put it.
Ghosts in those tunnels last nite too!
The Ghost of rites was present.
He drifted with red eyes down the stairs of descent for all who know where that is.

The red in his eyes means they haven't changed for thousands of lifetimes.
Far too many.

Darker the scene.
Less air.
Less and less.
Where is the computer the criminal says.
It's getting hot.
It's stiffling.
Out of nowhere the criminal is laid flat.
Down at a million miles per hour.
His teeth all gone.
His nose crushed.
His whole face crushed like a grape against the weight of a planet.
He deserves this.

His drug dealing.
Dealing on many planets.
Planets everywhere.
Planets where you and I may not live.
Planets where things are corrupt.
The judge weighs in and signs the orders.
A place where these won't always say what happens to them.
Not even to there fellow crime.
I didn't see him last nite.
He took off.
6 months ago.

A place where the ghosts sew things into people.
Where these things still are.
And so are they.
Hanging on a wall.

It's fire death.
And death immenent.
It's a long time if you are one of these.
They have chemicals.
In them.
It keeps them going.
They don't have to eat.
They aren't human anymore.
Don't you see.
If you tried to kill them like in the movies.
You would fail.
You thought they were dead but they seem to get up.
What do you think I'm talking about.
You've seen horror movies.
Was that real in the past.
Or now!

He wears a mask.
He is many.
Just like the movie.
He's on chemicals.
He doesn't eat.
He is hideous.
He no emotions.
He carries a knife.
He eats whatever is tossed at him.

I give him no credit for living in the tunnels. 
I give him no credit for being many.
I give him no credit for imitating the look of a ghost.
I'll make sure this ghost knows.

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