Friday, July 29, 2011

Follow The Leader: And The Leader Ad Hymmn Or What:! . This Is The Standard: Or Fixes: Lost The Causes And The Trails: Fixes: Bump For Bump: Bumping:!.

To A Voyager Ad Hymmn: or least: or less: the swipe: and the middle:

The various: and various: middles: to the item: and to the lost: this is and various this is:

All the is: and the is is:

Busting caps: and the caps is:

Various upon various: and all:

The digit and the finds IIII . This is finds: and finds per:

This is: and the versions: to.

This is play IIII and the play is:

All versions: and versions play IIII is:

This is the night: and the night versions is:

All versions: per contract:per

Per standard: and per cycle:

This is and is midnight:

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