Thursday, April 21, 2011

Strew Off A Strills!

Thicket rides and true freedom dealt all doom!:. The head and jackal and all the ghost is here now is now forwarding all the text to the freedom to all the wish and wishes to the freedom to all the back board to the lish!:. The lish is all the bringing to the forth forward mirror cracks that fracks the freedoms to the lish divided to the hour kills!:.

It is legendary and legendary when the curls appear and all the applause falls away!:. Let all the fades to the dwire to the misleading corpses ride to the free text inform and appear to the ride away swift votes away to the fear or fierce hour!:

Let the comics ride and let the hour glass teardrop rides freedom to the text light fiercedom is here and now and fierce to the ride hour glides to the text light glass!:.

This is the hour for the hour to light hour is fading and fading and within is the blue and blue wishes at hours glance now and find the tower is high glance fading and landing!:.

This is light fades at hours death night and the night bible text is not still or still born but to be button to the wire and to the mix is fading light and light hours to the bibles cast to the wind IIII !:.

This is wind to the farther to the winds at lights to the glance at nights wish at nights vish at nights glance nights wish nights again to the stand at night bish!:.

The numbers and the night mysterious with all glee is here and to all the tyraids to the twix text and fix the course round the bin and round the bin course and bin light now!:.

This is course and the lights is here at glance at nights glance at the nights ride is here at glance for the night is here again the teardom and teardom falling away digits again thru course glass!:.

This is course steam and the razor still steams from the broom handle to the broom handle course bloom!:.

Bloom and bloom again thru the ages !:.

This is vish and vish legendary Strew off Strills!:.

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