Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Lost In A Millions II -

Left Hour Chassis: Remains and text:. Hours.

This is hours and the grand hours effect:. The text and the light is here and extra:!. The light and the olive at the glance barren bottom effects of tombs reflects the bottom light of all beings!:.

If the door at the glance fades then pensive all the mite and mystery achieves all the glow barren locale fixture asides to the mystery fades prices!:.

The lights and the lights fixtures are all alike and the alike haydyn factory!:. The mite and mite suggest and lights corner affects corner and corner glance!:. The light and the fancy and chancy to the make is union to the course at signal course signal lights glance course remains now!:.

This is glance and glance forward to all light text to the force of rush and rush factory musts!:. This winding coil is barren and hopeless place!:. Places all mites tears and forces and vishes gardens texts!:. This is force and force due winds and barrens text all forces a millions :.

It takes a few and takes a few for vice and mite are all like millions the dryer to all the light mite forces to the wind!:. IIII !.

The light and the forces to the winds at lights glance and to the winds at light forest lights glance are here and now and then again against the barren lights treackle:. The lights are all treackle at glance light night force and forcen winds now IIII !:.

This is winds and winds at howls lights now IIII !:. This is winds at light first glow and glow again now and fight the charge at night!:.

This charge and that charge are at the barren lights tasks principle are all forwards to the light and light tasks wind IIII !:.

This is winds and all I dot and I dots tasks pleasure!:. This is treasure trip and treasure trips advisor callas to the winds IIII !:. This is winds at chance IIII !:.

This park and parker to the leaf is when the wind is adrift to all the kelf to the winds mystery is all the leagues nights and nights cracker to all the leaves and then is then again !:.

The pint and the ration is all the alike in mural and stance:. This is stance with all regards to the regards to the lighted text and all the text alike IIII mirror!:.

This mirror that mirror is the lighted frame de mirror text and fading fast!:.

Faded mirrors implode!:.

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