Monday, November 21, 2011

A Leaf: And A Turn: What Pages Read:!.

Tras.: effect!.

The: killer:!.

Effect:s : Base!:

Effect:s: in effects:!

Tea:r: and allandia:!

Moment: in running: time!:

The sail: the sail:!:.

Running: and mask:!: >

Running: and keeping:!: >

When:ce: and run:!:>

The war a long time ago. In space. Several planets. Much destruction. Much destruction.

Planets thousands of times bigger than the one i live on.

Robots. Clones. Banned technology. Everything you could name and more.

Running: and running.:

It always seems to make what is. Cause the days filled with thought are the ones that go.

Even when you didn't live on a planet like this. There was trouble on others.
You hear it songs.

The secure: and secure.

Some new leader erupts. He spills his guts. Many come out of the nowhere. Then everything changes.

Many things don't happen as they wanted it.

Even now at a table in space. On a planet like Epsillon.
It's two planets for one. Connected by one long bridge.

The bridge is over a thousand miles long.

Higher technology just like one guessed. There is more than one.

It's two planets connected together because of the past for those who don't accept what happened.

It's been replaced over 4000 thousand times plus a thousand more.

I don't think people got over their robots they said in the past and still do. That's when we can't stand the obvious snub at a person that is good.

A thousand more curses too!.

Tomb in space. The ghost is their to keep them company.

The lost planet to many and i am sure to any who reads unless you are there.


When the wind gathers. And the radiation seeps. Keep the eyes in the back of the sac.

What does one do when he reads this. Epsillon.

There are some good bands there too. Even though a corner and crime exists.

No. This planet cannot be part of that one because you are not me to declare as your economy.

You are not me in the past either.

You cannot contain me in matter or form for future repose.

Turning a corner again:

Turning this again:

Turning this planet again:

This is when it is simply in action. When true meets true and seen is seen.

Here and again. The planet Epsillon. I wrote it down. May seem evil for so many that can't stand any good.

They can't stop this and this read anyhow.

Then the computer prompts when.

You know the planet i just named. For those in space on other planets they will know what reads in space.


You lose.

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