Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grifs On Graph:! The Tele And Teletometer!:

If the art stands then it stands.:!

If someone here thinks all is wrong with others who type like this then I'd say he or she is wrong.

Like me and me is. They cannot be me. Or you!.

My essence is mine.

My friend is mine.

There is time in the sky. There are things that make wheels go round.

If the sky fits then type it said the artist then.

It's what was said in britain. Not just one life but others.

I get it is a frame of reference to you and that is art too. Life was so different then now. Depends on what planet too as you can always write in. This planet is not the planet Australia where britain is and was.

There is so much dust around. And so much to do. You've read so much and then.

As a king once said it's easy!.

I heard him and you did too.

There was a ghost in the skye:

There was a winter and a winter freeze:

There was a time and a time for churning:!

Even and even time:

This was a phrase said then. All arts then. Then it was time to cook!.

When someone didn't like an album then someone wrote even and even time: . Someone like myself would do this out loud. Many like any normal person would write the phrase down and figure out just what the slime meant when they read what they said about an artist's work.

This slime resulting in what was said and what they said about the art that was completely unreasonable.

Like many planets right now there is always debate about art. It gets very heady and very involved.

What and when thoughts about this place here in the reads gets. It happens and a person like myself can tell to some degree. In art speaking.

Ranges here and ranges there. Jokes here and jokes there.

Still at it out there I hear!

Of course. You remember who I am.

I can't argue. It's all repose!.

I can't argue the names of planets that can't be said either! And with a great many laughs too!.

As you can tell there are many things that erupt and many at that. My friends are all around the camp fire figuratively.

It's fair. As one said out there. He didn't mean this or mean that. I've still got his number on that one!.

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