Monday, January 9, 2012

A Picket: Ricket: Ricket Ricket! ::.

Dust: of magnets: dust of dusts:!

Dirt: air IIII : dirts through and through IIII :

In the kitchen stood Marges: said she.: I can't find the recipe:!:: ::.

In the room: stood the others: saying where is the art IIII :!. I can begin again here:!.

The dinner party:! The dinner club IIII :!. The dinner goes on IIII :!. Then!.

Like many times:! This time and for now: and against the old slime IIII :!.

Is like inspiration: times IIII :!. A dinner here IIII : and a dinner there:!::.

Plate set: and set dinner IIII :!. The high themes IIII of London :!.>.

The high records IIII : whether by the names of a few now:! and recurring themes. Then they stood:! like massive pieces of art IIIIII :!.

Pieces of art IIII : art legit and so is the creator among them IIII :!.

Songs: and dance IIII :!. This is the version said they: No it isn't. said the other.!.

Migre away from a normal scene IIII then and now: The carpet sweeps with water and soaks through IIII :!.

The tops: of a cavern: indo and so as the nuit:!:: ::::. Cannot begin: or calculate the damage:!:: ::::.

Like a song: sweeping the patter:!:: :::: away and away is the chord that makes it's useless useless day: of course crime!::.

Don't play and pander the notes!:: ::::.

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