Monday, August 1, 2011

Companion Estates - If When Dancing And Twirling Can't Make

This is subscribe and this is subscribe under the sun: all the while and to this these.
The gift and the carded: and all the while.
This is the fortright: and call.
Lest and lest recieve!

If i give a fiver to the next one and tell him he is insane, would you believe me. No, i think not. But as well as is the tempt and to the farce and farcing.
Don't hurl the twirl as far as i am but can. I can and i can do things. This is farce to the left and right. All being and to the left: is.

Paragraph his messages were read: and on his face. A clue, a paragraph and a word. It's all it takes to close a window. 
Line by line he was worded!

Don't give me the gift i say. I can't stand you and therefore on the other road is the keep of the trickle that can say what it is.
What it is and what it is now is farther and farther away, and to keep.

Left the digits and farther to accept.

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